<front> front matter 前文,位在文件的檔頭 |
<pb n="097" id="pb097"/> <lb n="097-01"/> <front> <docTitle> <titlePart type="main">On the Earliest Path to the tath&amacron;gatahood:</titlePart> <lb n="097-02"/><titlePart type="sub">A study in Nik&amacron;ya traditions</titlePart> </docTitle> <lb n="097-03"/><docAuthor>Biswadeb Mukherjee</docAuthor> <lb n="097-04"/><affiliation> Resercher, <org>Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies</org> </affiliation> <lb n="097-05"/><div1 n="1" type="L1"><head type="summary">Summary</head> <lb n="097-06"/><p rend="text-indent:2">The Buddhist traditions assert that Gotama was the first ...... <lb n="098-12"/>become the Buddha, the Tath&amacron;gata.</p>
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參見See | TEI page988 |